
Project Profile: INCLUSIVE

Stakeholder-supported decision making for sustainable conjunctive management of soil and groundwater


Principal Investigators: Jean-Daniel Rinaudo, Bureau de Recherches Géologiqueset Minières, France
Partners: Jay Lund, University of California Davis, United States
Irina Dm Rybkina, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Pierre Strosser, ACTeon Environnement Research & Consultancy, France
Hwa-Lung Yu, National Taiwan University, Chinese Taipei
Sponsors: French National Research Agency, France
Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Taipei
National Science Foundation, United States
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russia


Full Project Title: Stakeholder-supported decision making for sustainable conjunctive management of soil and groundwater
Full Call Title: Soils2020


Project Objective: The INCLUSIVE project aims to show how well-designed stakeholder processes can deliver socially-accepted management rules with higher chances of compliance, thereby enhancing long-term GW sustainability.

By well-designed processes, the team will focus on:

• How effective continuous stakeholder involvement from the onset through the design of the management rules enhances stakeholder groundwater literacy, capacity to think long-term, and capture trade-offs and co-building of management rules;

• How a shift from narrowly defined GW management (limiting water abstraction) to conjunctive soil (critical zone) and groundwater management (managing net water extraction by bringing attention to water retention and recharge, including nature-based solutions) can widen the range of management options and improve successful stakeholder process outcomes (i.e., implemented and enforced management rules, delivering sustainable conjunctive soil and GW management).
Call Objective: The goal of this CRA is to produce the necessary knowledge and propose solutions to maintain well-functioning soils and groundwater systems in the Critical Zone 1, or rehabilitate them where degraded, through:

1. Better understanding of the long- and shorter-time dynamics and functions of soils and groundwater, impacts from societal (including economics) decisions, integrative management practices, public policies, and how these systems have been transformed; and,

2. Providing avenues, pathways, and narratives toward transformation of management practices of the whole soil and groundwater systems through a fundamental shift of socio-economic actors’ practices and related-decisions making processes.


Regions: Asia, Europe, North America
Countries: Chinese Taipei, France, Russian Federation, United States of America (USA)


Duration: 36 months
Call Date: 2020`
Project Award Date: 2021