
Project Profile: JWP

Integrated Analysis of Freshwater Resources Sustainability in Jordan


Principal Investigators: Steven Gorelick, Stanford University, United States
Partners: Erik Gawel, University of Leipzig, Germany
Bernd Klauer, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Netherlands
Julien Harou, United Kingdom - Wageningen University and Research Centre, Netherlands
Daanish Mustafa, King's College, United Kingdom
Amer Salman, University of Jordan, Jordan
Emad Al-Karablieh, University of Jordan, Jordan
Amaury Tilmant, Université Laval, Canada
Sponsors: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada
German Research Foundation, Germany
National Environment Research Council, United Kingdom
Economic and Social Research Council, United Kingdom
National Science Foundation, United States


Full Project Title: Integrated Analysis of Freshwater Resources Sustainability in Jordan
Full Call Title: Freshwater2012


Project Objective: This proposed effort will focus on development of an integrated framework to evaluate water policy interventions in water-stressed countries using Jordan as a model system.
Call Objective: This call was created to address the following:

- Identification and characterization of the interactions between natural processes and human practices that govern water budgeting in selected regions;

- Development of approaches that support the evolution of resilient communities/regions through improved seasonal forecasting of droughts, taking into account natural and socio-economic drivers.


Regions: Asia
Countries: Jordan


Duration: 36 Months
Call Date: 2012
Project Award Date: 2012