
Project Profile: IHDBS

Impact of Human Drivers (Fire, Agriculture and Grazing) on Bio-Diversity in the Savannas


Principal Investigators: Jacques Gignoux, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
Partners: Mahesh Sankaran, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India
Giselda Durigan, Instituto Florestal do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil
Florian Jeltsch University of Potsdam, The Netherlands
William Bond, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Sébastien Treyer, IDDRI Sciences Po, France
Garry David Cook, CSIRO, Australia
Sponsors: São Paulo Research Foundation, Brazil
French National Research Agency, France
German Research Foundation, Germany
National Research Foundation, South Africa


Full Project Title: Impact of Human Drivers (Fire, Agriculture and Grazing) on Bio-Diversity in the Savannas
Full Call Title: Biodiversity2014


Project Objective: This project aims at building biodiversity scenarios for savannas.
Call Objective: The objective of this call is to stimulate the formation of international networks of scientists and the advancement of the inter- and trans-disciplinary methodologies of scenario-building needed to enhance usefulness of biodiversity scenarios in decision-making.


Regions: Africa, Asia, Australia, South America


Call Date: June 9, 2014
Project Award Date: 2014