
Climate, Environment and Health Awards

Climate, Environment, and Health

The Belmont Forum is pleased to announce the awards of a new multilateral and transdisciplinary Collaborative Research Action on Climate, Environment and Health.

The call aims to foster global transdisciplinary research teams of natural (including climate), health and social scientists and stakeholders from across the globe to improve understanding of climate, environment and health pathways to protect and promote health. The projects will thus provide crucial new understanding into the health implications arising from the impacts of climate change and variability on; 1) the quality/quantity of food, 2) chronic exposure to increases/changes in heat and humidity and 3) changes in the distribution and incidence of a range of infectious diseases and emergence of novel pathogens. Increasing knowledge of the complex linkages and pathways between the climate, environment and health is vital to inform and support effective policy and decision-making.

“The Belmont Forum is excited to include and highlight health as part of its transdisciplinary portfolio. These projects will contribute strongly to the growing climate-environment-health community.  The knowledge, tools, and action these research teams will create is so timely and critical to a more resilient future,” shared Erica Key, the Belmont Forum Secretariat Director.

A total of 13 funders from 10 countries have committed circa €12m of cash and in-kind resources for this Climate, Environment and Health Collaborative Research Action and a total of 59 eligible teams of researchers submitted applications to the call. Following the recommendations of an international panel of experts, the Belmont Forum partners agreed to fund nine research teams involving 69 researchers from 20 countries. The teams will be conducting research throughout the Americas, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Arctic and Europe (and in one instance at a global scale) over the next 3-4 years.

Awarded projects:

Project Location of lead coordinator Location of wider team (funded) Location of wider team (self – financed)
CCCEHN – Community collective action to respond to climate change influencing the environment-health nexus UK USA, Norway
CHAMNHA – Climate, heat and maternal and neonatal health in Africa UK USA, Norway Sweden South Africa
PREP – Protection Resilience Efficiency and Prevention for workers in industrial agriculture in a changing climate (interventions for heat-induced kidney disease in Nicaragua Sweden USA, UK
ACRoBEAR – Arctic Community Resilience to Boreal Environmental change: Assessing Risks from fire and disease UK Sweden, Norway, USA, Finland USA, France, Russia
MEWAR – Mosquitoes populations modelling for early warning system and rapid response by public health authorities correlating climate, weather and spatial-temporal mobile surveillance data UK, Brazil, Turkey, Switzerland, Brazil
S&CC – Integrated risk mapping and targeted snail control to support schistosomiasis elimination in Brazil and Cote d’Ivoire under future climate change USA UK, Ivory Coast,  Brazil Brazil, USA
MicroPoll – The Pollination of Nepal’s Micronutrient-rich Crops in a Changing Climate UK USA, Finland
HEATCOST – Health effects and associated socio-economic costs of increasing temperatures and wildfires – A global assessment Norway USA, Finland China
AWARD-APR– Addressing Extreme Weather Related Diarrheal Disease Risks in the Asia Pacific Region USA Sweden, Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei, India, Vietnam, Nepal, China, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam


The Natural Environmental Research Council, UK Research and Innovation (NERC, UKRI) managed the delivery of this call on behalf of the Belmont Forum partners/member countries (detailed below).

Country Partner Partner (Full Title)
Brazil FAPESP São Paulo Research Foundation
Chinese Taipei MoST Ministry of Science and Technology
Finland AKA Academy of Finland
Norway RCN Research Council of Norway
Sweden Forte The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare in collaboration with the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsradet)
Turkey TUBITAK The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
United Kingdom Met Met Office (in-kind support)
United Kingdom UKRI Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Medical Research Council (MRC) on behalf of UK Research and Innovation
United States NIH National Institutes of Health, National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and Fogarty International Center (FIC) (in-kind support)
United States NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
United States NSF National Science Foundation (in-kind support)
United States NIFA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (in-kind support)