
Title: Data Skills Curricula Framework: Full Recommendations Report

Download: Outline_Data_Skills_Curricula_Framework.pdf


The recommended core modules are designed to enhance skills of domain scientists specifically to make data handling more efficient, research more reproducible and data more shareable – including visualisations for end-users. The five core skills emphasized include programming, particulars of environmental data, visualisation, data management and interdisciplinary data exchange. A number of optional modules are suggested for more established researchers which would be useful introductions to widen their data skills and provide new options for examining and processing data, such as machine learning and object-orientated programming. Two modules included are briefings aimed at Principal Investigators, providing an overview of data management and skills. Author(s): Vicky Lucas Version: 1.0 Status: Final Finalized Date: 2017-09-14 Type: Report Keywords: curricula training data skills standardisation best practices coalition role-based webinar NERC capacity building human dimensions