
Project Profile: VULCAR-FATE

Global change impact on vulnerable carbon reservoirs: carbon sequestration and emissions in soils and waters From the Arctic To the Equator


Principal Investigators: Jean-Jacques Braun, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France
Partners: Elisabeth Bemer, IFP Énergies Nouvelles, France
Sergey Kulizhskiy, National Research Tomsk State University, Russia
Robert George Martin Spencer, Florida State University, United States
Marie-Claire Paiz, The Nature Conservancy Gabon Office, Gabon
Oleg S Pokrovsky, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
Victoria Reyes García, Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies, Spain
Sponsors: French National Research Agency, France
National Science Foundation, United States
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russia


Full Project Title: Global change impact on vulnerable carbon reservoirs: carbon sequestration and emissions in soils and waters From the Arctic To the Equator
Full Call Title: Soils2020


Project Objective: The general objective is to co-construct a shared strategic and transdisciplinary vision and an operational R&I framework on climate change, land use/cover, carbon cycle and soils, surface water, and groundwater sustainability, in order to improve soil, surface and groundwater knowledge, management and policy from the local to regional scale. This will be achieved by engaging a diverse community of academic actors with expertise in social sciences (archaeology, anthropology, socioeconomy) and biogeosciences (hydrology, climatology, geospatial analyses, biogeochemistry, soil science, vegetation science, biology), as well as non-academic actors (industries, communities, NGOs and government agencies/local authorities) committed to sustainable natural resource management and development.
Call Objective: The goal of this CRA is to produce the necessary knowledge and propose solutions to maintain well-functioning soils and groundwater systems in the Critical Zone 1, or rehabilitate them where degraded, through:

1. Better understanding of the long- and shorter-time dynamics and functions of soils and groundwater, impacts from societal (including economics) decisions, integrative management practices, public policies, and how these systems have been transformed; and,

2. Providing avenues, pathways, and narratives toward transformation of management practices of the whole soil and groundwater systems through a fundamental shift of socio-economic actors’ practices and related-decisions making processes.


Regions: Africa, Asia
Countries: Gabon, Russian Federation


Duration: 36 months
Call Date: 2020
Project Award Date: 2021