
Belmont Forum Awardees advance Ecological Sustainability

5th International Ecosummit - Source: [Author Unknown]. [Title Unknown]. Digital Image. Erica Key LinkedIn Page, [Date Published Unknown]

The recent EcoSummit Meeting in Montpellier, France, highlighted the advances of several Belmont Forum projects. Investigators shared their results and experiences conducting multi-national, inter- and trandisciplinary research during special sessions at this 5th Congress. In addition to being able to connect with more than 1500 researchers from 75 countries, these teams also connected with the Belmont Forum Secretariat’s Deputy Director, Ms. Mao Takeuchi, at the Forum booth.

Some of the projects featured were:

PREREAL: Improving PREdictability of circumboREAL forest fire activity and its ecological and socio-economic impacts through multi-proxy data comparisons
• TAMANI: Designing an improved network of long-term monitoring sites for arctic vertebrates: towards a better involvement of local communities through participatory science programs
ScenNet: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Scenarios Network
IHDBS: Impact of human drivers (fire, agriculture and grazing) on biodiversity in savannas

We congratulate these projects in their outreach at this Summit meeting and encourage researchers and stakeholders interested in Belmont Forum to connect with these teams and follow their research advances online.

Note: This post originally appeared on appeared on Belmont Forum Secretariat Executive Director Erica Key’s Linkedin blog.