
Project Profile: ENVISION

An inclusive approach to assessing integrative scenarios and visions for protected area management


Principal Investigators: Christopher Raymond, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Partners: Alberto Arroyo Schnell, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Belgium
Isabel Ruiz Mallén, Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain
Erik Andersson, Stockholm University, Sweden
Tobias Plieninger, University of Göttingen, Germany
Guzman Sanchez, Scienseed, Spain
Aster de Vries Lentsch, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Carena van Riper, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States
Astrid Van Teeffelen, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
Sponsors: German Research Foundation, Germany
DLR Project Management Agency, Germany
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain
Formas, Sweden
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, The Netherlands
National Science Foundation, United States


Full Project Title: An inclusive approach to assessing integrative scenarios and visions for protected area management
Full Call Title: Biodiversity2017


Project Objective: ENVISION aims to explore inclusive conservation as a creative and original approach that combines participatory scenario modelling, multinarrative platforms, and co-creation of knowledge to build PA management strategies that are socially relevant, economically productive, and environmentally sustainable.
Call Objective: The Call addresses two major (non-exclusive) priorities:

- Development and application of scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services across spatial scales of relevance to multiple types of decisions;

- Consideration of multiple dimensions of biodiversity and ecosystem services in biodiversity scenarios.


Regions: Europe, North America
Countries: Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United States of America (USA)


Duration: 36 months
Call Date: October 2, 2017
Project Award Date: July 13, 2018